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Behind The Scream

    Second to Hour adalah sebuah band yang membawakan aliran hardcore. Awal terbentuknya pada akhir September 2005.  Berawal dari sekumpulan anak SMA yang mengekspresikan dirinya lewat sebuah karya. Aristya (Vocal), Noma (Guitar), Sigit (Guitar/Backing Vocal), Bayu (Bass), Bagus (Drum) sepakat untuk membentuk sebuah band yang dinamakan Second to Hour.

    Nama Second to Hour sendiri kami ambil karena kami mempunyai pemikiran bahwa dalam satu detik nyawa sangat berarti, apalagi satu menit, jam, bahkan hari.

    Sebelumnya kami sempat membentuk sebuah band sendiri tanpa adanya Aristya dan Bayu, tetapi seiring dengan berjalannya waktu dan kemantapan kami, akhirnya second to hourlah yang benar-benar pas di jiwa masing-masing personil.

    Banyak kritikan-kritikan yang hinggap di band ini, tetapi kami tidak akan menyerah, bagi kami kritikan itu adalah sebuah kepedulian yang akan membangun kami untuk berkarya lebih bagus lagi.

    Kegiatan Second to Hour untuk saat ini selain perform di satu tempat ke tempat lain, Second to Hour juga menciptakan dan menulis lagu dan lirik sendiri oleh masing-masing personil. Sampai saat ini sudah 5 buah lagu yang direkam atas biaya sendiri. 

Listing Site Updates

Under one of these subheadings, it's a good idea to list recent updates to my site so that visitors, especially return visitors, can check out the new stuff first. For example, I could list the date and a brief description of the update.

I could also list updated news about my site's topic. For example, if my site were about a particular sport, I could discuss the outcome of a recent competition.

Your Super Hourness

Another idea for my home page's text is notifying visitors about the enhancements I put on my site. For example, I want visitors to sign my guestbook or fill out my survey Form E-mailer to answer questions about my site, my business, or my site's topic.

Need some extra help building your site? Here are some topics that may be helpful.

Customizing and Personalizing My Site

I might not want a large amount of text on my home page if I want to guide visitors toward my other pages. Instead of text, I can add photos or interesting links. One of the first things I would want to do is choose a template that reflects what my site is all about. Colors and themes are a great way to reinforce the message and purpose of my site.

Behind the Scenes of My Home Page

Even if I don't put much text on my home page, it's a good idea to include hidden tools that will help me promote my site, so people other than my friends and family actually see it. For example, I could add meta tags, which are hidden codes that allow search engines to find my site. I could also install stats and a counter so I know how many people are visiting. If not many are visiting, submitting my site to search engines will guide more traffic to my site.